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Symposium « Challenges for cancer policies for the next decade : prevent, cure, care and pay (2P2C) » 26/02/2019

Karl Vandepoele
Posts: 139
Joined: 31 May 2017, 13:27
Location: UZ Gent

Symposium « Challenges for cancer policies for the next decade : prevent, cure, care and pay (2P2C) » 26/02/2019

Postby Karl Vandepoele » 13 Nov 2018, 16:18

The Cancer Centre of Belgium celebrates its 10th birthday in 2019 and on that occassion we wish to look forward together with you on what is to come, what should be done and how we can realize all of it together.

On the 26th of February 2019, you are invitated on our one-day Symposium « Challenges for cancer policies for the next decade : prevent, cure, care and pay (2P2C) » at the Passage 44 in Brussels.

We are very honoured to welcome our Minister of Health and Social affairs, Maggie De Block to set the stage of the day.

Key players in the cancer will share with us their reflections on the past evolutions, formulate critical views on missed opportinities or failed strategies and their ideas and hopes for future actions. They will cover the complete cancer landscape from prevention and early detection to survivorship including research, economics and innovation as key pillars in a sustainable and society-driven cancer policy.

LINK: ... nd-pay-pc2

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