ID atypical mycobacteria

Molecular identification of atypical mycobacteria
Lab Test name Contact Comments
Jessa Hospital ID atypical mycobacteria dr. Cartuyvels, Jozef Dingemans
-positive Bactec cultures that are negative for M. tuberculosis PCR
FREQUENCY: on request
TEST TYPE: In-house real time PCR, followed by
OLVZ Aalst ID atypical mycobacteria Anne Vankeerberghen
Sample type:
Bacterial culture

Frequency: 1/ 2 weeks

Test type: 16S rRNA sequencing
Version date: 06/05/2019
CHU UCL NAMUR ID atypical mycobacteria
Sample type:
Bacterial culture
Results within a week
Identification by InnoLipa
UZ Leuven MolPLUZ ID atypical mycobacteria Emmanuel Andre
Sample type:
- respiratory samples
- liquid cultures

Minimal sample volume: 2 ml
Frequency: 1/2 times a week
Test type:
- multiplex in-house real time PCR for M. avium, M. intracellulare, M. abscessus and M. chelonae following a positive in-house realtime PCR for NTM
-Sanger sequencing following a negative multiplex PCR
Version date: 20/03/2023