PML-RARA qualitative analysis

detection of t(15;17) PML-RARA fusion genes
Lab Test name Contact Comments
IPG Gosselies PML-RARA qualitative analysis P. Vannuffel
C. De Rop
In house method based on Gabert et al, Leukemia, 2003.
Sample type: Blood and bone marrow
BELAC accreditation numer: 381-MED
Version date: 02/09/2022
UZ Leuven MolPLUZ PML-RARA qualitative analysis Jolien De Bie
Sample type: blood / bone marrow (EDTA, 2-5 ml)
Frequency: 1x/week
Test type: real time PCR on cDNA (EAC protocol)
BELAC accreditation number 215-MED
UZ Gent - CMGG PML-RARA qualitative analysis nadine van roy
FISH analysis
Jessa Hospital PML-RARA qualitative analysis Dr. Brigitte Maes, Ellen Geerdens
Blood or bone marrow (1ml, EDTA)
TRANSPORT: room temperature, within 24h after sampling
FREQUENCY: 1x/week
TEST TYPE: Real-time RT-PCR, in house method from Gabert et al