Frequency: Daily (except weekend)
Test type: In house real time PCR
Version date: 06/05/2019 Accredited:
AZ St-Lucas Gent
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) genotyping
Dr. A.M. van den Abeele/Elke Vanlaere
Sample type: CSF, BAL
Frequency: daily
Test type: HSV1/HSV2/VZV R-gene kit (Argene)
UZ Leuven MolPLUZ
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) genotyping
Marc Van Ranst, Katrien Lagrou
Sample type:
- ocular fluid
- biopsy
Minimal sample volume: 250 µl
Frequency: every weekday (csv: every day 7/7)
Test type: In-house realtime PCR with genotyping HSV-1 / HSV-2
Remark: also included in respiratory-panel-assay on swab, aspirate and BAL
Accreditation BELAC: 215-MED
Labo Cliniques Sud Luxembourg
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) genotyping
Nicolas Hougardy
!HSV 1/2 detection!
- CSF (min 200µl)
- BAL (min 1ml)
- Swabs
FREQUENCY: 1x/week
TEST TYPE: in-house, real time PCR (Glycoprotein D gene detection), LightCycler 2.0 (Roche)
ARTICLE: "UZ-Leuven protocol(CEMOL)"
Skin lesion swab
Eye swab
Urogenital swab
CSF (500 µl)
Respiratory sample (500 µl)
Frequency: Daily (except weekend)
Test type: In house real time PCR
Version date: 06/05/2019