26/11/2024 - 26/11/2024

3rd edition Microbiome: BenchToBed

It is our pleasure to announce the 3rd Microbiome Bench to Bed symposium on the 26th of November 2024 in Antwerp. 
This symposium will cover topics on the microbiome and general health, disease, applications, and regulations.
All information, registration and abstract submission can be found at Symposium Microbiome: From Benchtop to Bedside | UZA

- A collaboration between Antwerp university hospital, university of Antwerp, Ghent university, and ESCMID -


Preliminary programme

·         09:00-09:30: Registration & coffee 

·         09:30-12:00 Morning Session Microbiome and General Health

·         09:30: Keynote Kaija-Leena Kolho (University of Helsinki and HUS, Finland)

·         10:00: Irina Spacova (UAntwerpen, Belgium) 

·         10:30: The French Gut (MetaGenoPoliS-INRAE, Jouy-en-Josas, France)

·         11:00: Discussion  - Panel Member: Nele Brusselaers (UAntwerpen, Belgium & Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)

·         11:30: Best abstract award presented by ESGHAMI

·         11:45: Promo talk

·         12:00-13:00: Lunch & poster session  

·         13:00-15:00 Lunch Session Microbiome and Disease

·         13:00: Amandine Everard (UCLouvain, Belgium)

·         13:30: Shari Mackens (UZ Brussel / VUB, Belgium)

·         14:00: Nicolas Benech (CHU Lyon, France)

·         14:30: Discussion  

·         15:00: Promo talk 

·         15:15: Coffee

·         15:30-17:00 Afternoon Session Microbiome Applications and Regulations

·         15:30: Rosanna Pecere (IPA Europe, Belgium)

·         16:00: Céline Druart (Pharmabiotic Research Institute, Belgium)

·         16:30: Ingmar Claes (Yun Probiotics, Belgium)

·         17:00: Discussion  

·         17:30: Closing words

·         17:40: Reception & poster session

Abstract submission: Submit your abstract the latest the 8th of November via this link. 
Workshops overlap, please choose a different one
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