Please read before requesting an account!
If you're working in a non-profit diagnostic lab (in any function), you can become a member of
for free, simply by requesting an account on this webpage. Upon activation of your account, you will
have access to the members-only pages on this website and are welcome at all the meetings.
People who are not working in a non-profit lab can also register for an account, but they
cannot become a member of They are welcome at the open meetings (e.g. Scientific Meeting)
We will check if you apply for access to members-only pages as soon as we can.
Please use a professional email address (no hotmail, gmail, ...) for your registration.
This allows us to verify that you are (still) working in a non-profit lab.
Accounts without professional email addresses will be given access to the general pages only.
Please change your contact information in the contact page and inform the webmasters
if you do want to have access to the members-only pages.
If you're working in a non-profit diagnostic lab (in any function), you can become a member of
for free, simply by requesting an account on this webpage. Upon activation of your account, you will
have access to the members-only pages on this website and are welcome at all the meetings.
People who are not working in a non-profit lab can also register for an account, but they
cannot become a member of They are welcome at the open meetings (e.g. Scientific Meeting)
We will check if you apply for access to members-only pages as soon as we can.
Please use a professional email address (no hotmail, gmail, ...) for your registration.
This allows us to verify that you are (still) working in a non-profit lab.
Accounts without professional email addresses will be given access to the general pages only.
Please change your contact information in the contact page and inform the webmasters
if you do want to have access to the members-only pages.